Arrived! A smart banking data access service from Barclays, for business customers


Barclays has moved another step closer to customer service satisfaction.

In one of its latest initiatives, the bank is providing its small business customers an exclusive app, ‘Smart Business Dashboard’, which will take the user to a single site to access real time banking data alongside business info.

With collaboration agreements standing between Barclays and a number of leading third party app developers, the bank has created a reliable base of fintech facilities that address everyday business data needs of corporate customers whilst serving industry information at the online banking site.

Business users can now access a set of APIs which will open out existing and new apps from a wide choice of new generation app providers covering book-keeping, sales and inventory, marketing and analytics and workforce management areas.

According to the CEO, Barclays Business Banking, the service will help SMEs manage their cash-flow, compare data and make improvements to help sales growth and add in marketing insights – all at a one-stop, one-glance check point. A great relief from sundry administration hassles!

The Business Banking Head says, “Busy business owners shouldn’t have to spend time sorting through different spread sheets, reports or switching between apps – we’ve created a tool to give businesses time back – and this is an efficient way to run and grow their business,”

Early dry-run s of the service proved that the facility to be a big value addition to a large chunk of the bank’s small business customers – over half a million of them – who used the online banking login for daily transactions.

James Gage, Founder and MD, Natural Tile, Norfolk, a luxury tile supplier and one of the business clients of the bank, went on record thus: “ I’m able to see all my business data in one place, including accounting and website traffic alongside my bank information. Not only does this give me a better picture of my business performance and help me to manage my cash flow more efficiently, but it also frees up my time to focus on running the business. I used to spend 20 minutes reviewing my business data and finances each morning – it now takes 5 seconds.”

For Barclays, the testimonial comes as a great encouragement to its continuing efforts at innovation that’ll make banking and business management a happier experience as the days go by!


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