Line and Mizuho teams up for a new mobile bank in Japan


Japanese chat app operator Line is joining hands with Mizuho Financial Group to launch digital banking services for its domestic user base of 78 million.

The partnership will provide Mizuho with an opportunity to utilize Line’s UX chops to reach the millennial generation of customers.

“The banking sector still has room for improvement,” says Line CEO Takeshi Idezawa, “We hope to improve the level of service across the entire industry.”

Toshitsugu Okabe, deputy president of Mizuho Financial Group, the parent company of Mizuho Bank, “We would like to approach young generations that investment banks are usually not familiar with.

“We aim to provide behind-the-scenes support,” said Okabe, deputy president of Mizuho Financial Group. “And we will use the venture for data businesses.”



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