Sibos 2018: Is a cyber 9/11 event inevitable?


“Is a cyber 9/11 event inevitable?” the panelists are asked,

At Swift’s Sibos conference, Aussie independent cybersecurity consultant, Troy Hunt pointed out how a serious cyberattack can lead to the mass loss of services, affecting business and daily life worldwide in a large scale.

He explained by remembering last year’s WannaCry’s attack, which left some services within the UK’s National Health Service inoperative for a few days and the Petnet’s Internet of things (IoT) devices malfunctioned two years ago, leaving some pets unfed for over ten hours.

Dmitry Samartsev, CEO, Bi.Zone explained the worst likely attack scenario for a company is becoming victims of several types of attacks simultaneously such as DDoS and social media manipulation.

“The industry, in terms of cybersecurity, is clearly not doing enough about it. We can get all the best tech, but we won’t be able to fight off all these attacks if the whole industry doesn’t learn how to behave towards them. It’s like buying a Ferrari and not knowing how to drive,” he concludes.


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