Oracle unveils its fresh Flexcube core banking system, V14


Oracle has unveiled the latest release of its flagship core banking application, Oracle FLEXCUBE V14.

The new release will boast “1,200+ new enhancements designed for a connected banking experience and new blockchain, machine learning adapters” says its clients .

The version has over 1,000 APIs “to jump start initiatives” to integrate with third party service and tech providers, corporates, other banks and networks.

It also marks “a significant milestone” in Oracle’s componentisation strategy.

Flexcube is a well-established core banking solution, with hundreds of users across the globe, including Heartland Bank in New Zealand, Bank of Valletta in Malta, MKB Bank in Hungary, Silicon Valley Bank in the US, Weatherbys Bank in the UK, Aman Bank in Libya, Skye Bank in Nigeria, ST Bank in Laos, and Azizi Bank in Afghanistan.

Oracle, the American Multinational Tech Corp once the second-largest software maker by revenue, after Microsoft has connected people and businesses to information with the expressed intent of re-imagining what is possible.

FLEXCUBE V14 will continue Oracle’s journey toward providing financial institutions across the globe an opportunity to expand their digital capabilities, rethink ways of doing business and modernize their technology in a considered, efficient manner.


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